The Nickname Game

In my inaugural post on Culture Shock, I explained the origins of my nom-de-Blog, “Mighty Toy Cannon.” Later, in the course of exploring the blogosphere, I discovered another blogger using the name “The Toy Cannon.” His first post addresses his choice of name, and then continues with a description of great nicknames through history--from "the Black Prince" to the "Desert Fox." It’s a brilliantly funny bit of writing, of which I’m jealous. I hope he’ll notice an uptick in hits on his site and wonder what's going on.

I must credit Bob Hicks over at ArtScatter for prompting me to write this. He raised the issue of nicknames in a new post today. So, please go visit his post and add some comments.

While you're there, be sure to read Barry Johnson's nice piece about the Halprins and the City Dance project.

When you're done with all that, come back here and enjoy this clip of a commercial for the "Johnny Reb Toy Cannon" from back in old timey time (OTT), when folks didn't worry about the dark symbolism of the confederate flag and "gay" had a different meaning.

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