Oregon Ballet Theatre has become the first of Portland's major arts groups pushed to the wall by the global recession. Unless the company raises $750,000 by June 30 to cover expenses and pay creditors, it may have to close its doors. "It is not clear that we will survive," said Jon Ulsh, the company's executive director
what can be done?
I've been wondering when we would start hearing the shoe drop for a major arts institution. Without looking at the financial details, it's hard to interpret just what this means. Will $750k raised by the end of June erase all OBT's current payables and give them enough cash to keep afloat? If they raise less will they at least be able to pay their most pressing bills (such as meeting payroll and paying suppliers who will otherwise quit supplying)? If OBT gets over this hump, is next year and beyond really sustainable? I certainly hope a solution is found that keeps the company alive and thriving. While there are other dance companies and White Bird in town, those don't substitute for having our own ballet company in town.
Predictably, our friend, Bob Hicks over at Art Scatter, has posted an eloquent argument in support of OBT:
Lots more good coverage today, as you no doubt noticed.
Stephen: Round up folks for the benefit performance on June 12. http://www.obt.org/, or simply send in your donation. They've got until June 30 to raise $750,000.
Yes, and don't worry that your contribution might be too small to matter. Every little bit helps!
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