Big Pipe Portal

That big pipe that they’ve been digging underneath us for years still remains a bit of a mystery to most of us. How big is this big pipe anyway? Where does it run, exactly? And what’s with the news that it might not be big enough after all to keep all of the poop out of our rivers?

To help answer some of these questions (2 out of 3 ain’t bad), Environmental Services and RACC invested the percent-for-art funds that were generated by this project into an educational public sculpture and mini-interpretive center on Swan Island. Rhiza, whose other works you have seen on the Eastbank Esplanade, was commissioned to bring the pipe above ground in an artful way, and it all gets dedicated in a public ceremony on Thursday, September 24th from 4:30 to 6:30. Should you decide to come and have a look, you’ll be invited to travel 165 feet underground to see the inner workings of the Big Pipe from inside the Swan Island Pump Station. The Bristlecones will make music and parade around above ground, and there might even be cookies and lemonade.

4299 N Port Cetner Way, just south of the FedEx truck parking lot.


Miss Laura said...

Cool big pipe. So seems cool to have a band with a big name. The Bristlecones? Weird. I don't recall coming across the word before last night when I was reading about bristlecone pines and here's the word again. My son's been doing a science report and encyclopedias have been lying open on the dining table and of course they suck me in. This stunning fact is why it stuck in my mind: The bristlecone pine tree is the oldest known plant -- some are thought to be around 4,900 years old!

culturejock said...

I had never heard of a bristlecone before either, but I am pleased that the band, whoever they are, resisted the Glee-like inclination to call themselves the "Bristletones."