First of all, anytime you can take the day off, that's a good thing right? Rob left me a Starbucks gift card so that I could start it off right, with a grande no-room Americano and the New York Times.
Then I sauntered over to Parr Lumber where I found that they could, in fact, deliver enough cedar 2x4s this afternoon for me to finish my garden pergola project (shown here halfway under construction) before our barbecue guests arrived at 7:00.

Rob text messaged me later in the morning to say that I was booked for a massage at 1:45, which was 60 minutes of pure heaven, the most awesome/painful/wonderful massage I have ever had. I had slept badly the night before and really had a kink in my shoulders, so it was the perfect time to have that kind of therapy. I will go back in a month.
That night Rob hosted a great little shindig in our back yard, with barbecue burgers and brats, plus special mango margaritas that go down way to easily on a warm summer's evening. It was great to spend time with so many friends who helped me celebrate by shooting off fireworks of awesome power and questionable legality. (I had had too many of those margaritas to play safety monitor that night but since all things on the Internet are a semi-public record I will say that Rob was extremely safety conscious and water-hose-ready. We specifically do NOT take responsibility for the embers that reportedly floated down into a neighbor's back yard and burned her neck; those were the fireworks being shot from Prescott street, seriously.)
And the best thing about my birthday always is: everyone gets to sleep in the next day before celebrating the 4th of July. I'll be spending it out on the boat.
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