Small Time Gamblers in a Big Time Gambling World

At the recent open house at the new BodyVox World Headquarters, Bob Hicks from Art Scatter asked Portland Center Stage's Cynthia Fuhrman whether the season opener, "Guys and Dolls" would introduce some new off-beat "concept." She reassured him that it would be a relatively straight (in the traditional sense of the word) production. That got me thinking about alternative concepts for the show:

A Shakespearean version in Elizabethan costumes (esp. codpieces), gender switching and mistaken identities?

A Sojourn Theatre adaptation exploring the nexus between state-run lotteries and faith-based initiatives developed through a community-engaged process?

Guys & Dolls: Guantanamo Bay, featuring characters Nicely-bin-Nicely, and Nahwaz Islamabad (aka Nathan Detroit)?

Wall Street financiers searching for a new place for their floating dice game?
If you have other suggestions, please comment.

While many of my Culture Shock compatriots are donning dinner jackets and gowns in preparation for tonight's opening of "Guys & Dolls," I'll be in front of the TV watching what may be a train wreck of a debate. I hear that the McCain campaign prematurely posted a "McCain Wins Debate" ad online earlier today (though that may have been a hacked hoax).

Rather than stick around for all the media analysis and spinning that will ensue, I'm scooting over to The 'Couv to either celebrate "victory" or drown my sorrows at the Irish Town Bar & Grill -- a place for libations partly owned by friend o' the family, Peter Yeates. In addition to being a barkeep, transplanted Dubliner, and general bon vivant, Pete is a performer and recording-artist in the tradition of travelling troubadors. He will be singing original tunes and songs from the Old Country tonight.

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